Hi, there! My name is Anthony and this is my divorce blog. I recently legally separated from my wife after a very long and messy divorce. We had been married for 10 years and we have two wonderful kids. However, when I discovered she was having an affair, I knew it was over. I thought my wife would work with me so we could do what was best for the little ones but that wasn't the case. Thankfully, I had some great legal advice from a divorce lawyer and I have since gained custody of the kids. I hope you find my blog useful.

How to Defend Yourself Adequately Against an Unwanted Criminal Charge

26 September 2018
, Blog

You may think that you have been 'squeaky clean' in your life up until this point and are, by any definition, a law-abiding citizen. You wouldn't dream about bending the rules in any situation, let alone breaking the law of the land, and you're glad that you've never seen the inside of a courthouse before. However, life can be very unpredictable and here you are in a spot of legal bother, so you need to get some expert help to represent you.
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Are You Really Taking the Needs of Your Children into Account after Separation?

17 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Many different factors have to be considered when two parents separate. It is often said in these situations that the interests of the child must be paramount, but there can often be a certain amount of confusion involved here, especially due to the way that the laws are written. What do you need to bear in mind if you are in this situation and worried about your children's future? What the Law Says
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Why You Need to Take Care Before You File to Protect Your Intellectual Property

28 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The world of business and commerce is ultracompetitive. It takes a lot to make one organisation stand out from all of the rest in a crowded marketplace and that "special something" needs to be protected by the business owner at all costs. In legal terms, something that is unique to the organisation and gives it its earning power is known as intellectual property and there are ways to protect such an asset.
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About Me
Divorce: Who Gets the Kids?

Hi, there! My name is Anthony and this is my divorce blog. I recently legally separated from my wife after a very long and messy divorce. We had been married for 10 years and we have two wonderful kids. However, when I discovered she was having an affair, I knew it was over. I thought my wife would work with me so we could do what was best for the little ones but that wasn't the case. Thankfully, I had some great legal advice from a divorce lawyer and I have since gained custody of the kids. I hope you find my blog useful.
