
Hi, there! My name is Anthony and this is my divorce blog. I recently legally separated from my wife after a very long and messy divorce. We had been married for 10 years and we have two wonderful kids. However, when I discovered she was having an affair, I knew it was over. I thought my wife would work with me so we could do what was best for the little ones but that wasn't the case. Thankfully, I had some great legal advice from a divorce lawyer and I have since gained custody of the kids. I hope you find my blog useful.


Do You Need a Lawyer if You’re Found With a Large Amount of Marijuana for Medical Uses?

11 May 2017
Law, Blog

A growing number of Australian jurisdiction are exploring the idea of decriminalising marijuana and allowing medical marijuana to help people manage chronic conditions including chronic pain and the side effects from cancer treatment. However this is not a 'free for all' and you can still get in serious legal trouble in certain circumstances. Here are some times that you may need a lawyer even if you are carrying marijuana for medical purposes.
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Understanding the Divorce Process

2 May 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Divorce is usually a long and sometimes draining experience, when applying for a divorce, there are provisions in the family law that provide avenues for reconciliation. To begin with, there is a minimum separation period that the couple must be separated. The law will also provide for mediation and reconciliation before courts listen to the application of divorce especially for young marriages. The steps involved in a divorce process include the following:
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Why You Need to Take Care Before You File to Protect Your Intellectual Property

28 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The world of business and commerce is ultracompetitive. It takes a lot to make one organisation stand out from all of the rest in a crowded marketplace and that "special something" needs to be protected by the business owner at all costs. In legal terms, something that is unique to the organisation and gives it its earning power is known as intellectual property and there are ways to protect such an asset.
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Is Disqualification the End of the Road, or Do You Have Options?

26 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've been disqualified from driving, it's likely that you have been accused of a serious driving offence, or have accumulated a lot of points on your licence. Either way, if you rely on your vehicle like many Australians do, you could find yourself in a precarious situation. Is it the end of the road, quite literally? Not necessarily, as you might be able to apply for a waiver on the basis of hardship.
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Continuing to support adult children living at home

21 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Family law has traditionally ended financial support for children living at home once they reached the age of 18. However, with a growing number of adult children continuing to live at home past this age, due to high housing costs and pursuing study options, many children are still looking for some support past this age.  Here are some of the options available to you under family law.  Continuation of formal child support 
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About Me
Divorce: Who Gets the Kids?

Hi, there! My name is Anthony and this is my divorce blog. I recently legally separated from my wife after a very long and messy divorce. We had been married for 10 years and we have two wonderful kids. However, when I discovered she was having an affair, I knew it was over. I thought my wife would work with me so we could do what was best for the little ones but that wasn't the case. Thankfully, I had some great legal advice from a divorce lawyer and I have since gained custody of the kids. I hope you find my blog useful.
